1984 /南斯拉夫 /喜剧
主演: SavinaGersak 塔什科·纳契奇 博罗·斯捷潘诺维奇 Dragomir Stanojevic-Bata Kameni 达尼罗·巴塔·斯托科维奇 韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇 韦斯娜·佩恰纳茨 韦利科·曼迪奇 德拉甘·尼科利奇 斯拉夫科·什蒂马茨 博罗·贝戈维奇
导演: Zivko Nikolic
上映时间: 1984-01-26
剧情简介 : 黑山著名导演尼科里奇的代表作之一。1985年莫斯科国际电影节银奖。 The peace of a small fishing village is shattered by the coming of a young, and stunningly beautiful, wife of a local guest-worker. She intends to live in her father's house, which in the mean-time became a pub. From that moment her revenge begins, toying with to people, their passions and interests. This comic-erotic dimension a lyric element ...