1947 /南斯拉夫 /剧情 战争 /100分钟
主演: DubravkoDujsin Milica-CarkaJovanovic IrenaKolesar MarijanLovric 吕毕莎·约万诺维奇 JozoLaurencic BozaNikolic IvkaRutic BrankoPivnicki BraslavBorozan JozaRutic DejanDubajic PredragMilanov TjesivojCinotti JunusMedjedovic OlgaSkrigin AleksandarZlatkovic MarkoMarinkovic IvoMarjanovic KarloBulic AnteIvelja 布兰科·普莱沙 Dubravko Dujsin Milica-Carka Jovanovic Irena Kolesar Marijan Lovric Jozo Laurencic Boza Nikolic Ivka Rutic Branko Pivnicki Braslav Borozan
导演: 维科斯拉夫·阿弗里奇
上映时间: 1947-04-29
剧情简介 : 二战后南斯拉夫拍摄的第一部电影。 Slavica, Marin and the group of cooperatives are hiding the newly built fishing-ship from the Italian occupier. They get arrested, but the Partisans rescue them and they participate in series of actions. Slavica dies in one of the sea battles and their ship, one of the first in Yugoslav War Navy, gets named by her. Slavica is the first feature film made in Yugo...