2017 /韩国
主演: YoungManKang Da-binBae JeffBalek VictoriaBennett KwakBong-Chul NoelBraham KyleCard 蔡秀彬 崔日华 ClemyClarke CsongorDobrotka LukeEve MelodieEverson NicoleFornoff JordanElizabethGelber Young Man Kang
导演: Young Man Kang
上映时间: 2017-08-22
剧情简介 : The Seoul Webfest opened in Seoul on Thursday, Aug. 17, at the Marronier Park in Daehangno University Street and the award show was held in Kookmin University Music Hall in Seoul Billed as Asia's only web series festival of internet-based dramas, Koreans were given the chance to watch web series from different genres and nationalities in one venue. Featured in the festival, wit...