1942 /意大利 /剧情 历史 /85分钟
主演: 玛丽拉·罗蒂 罗萨诺·布拉齐 CamilloPilotto PieroCarnabuci AnnibaleBetrone TinaLattanzi LauroGazzolo EnzaDelbi GorellaGori 埃米利奥齐戈里 GiuliaMartinelli AmeliaBeretta AchilleMajeroni CesareFantoni GiorgioCapecchi GiovanniOnorato TatianaFarnese 阿梅代奥·特里利 RaimondoVanRiel Camillo Pilotto Piero Carnabuci Annibale Betrone Tina Lattanzi Lauro Gazzolo Gorella Gori Achille Majeroni
导演: 圭多·布里尼奥内
上映时间: 1942-10-12
剧情简介 : 1017 AD. The Republic of Pisa is organizing a fleet to drive out the Saracens who are infesting the Mediterranean. While the forces are away "The Gorgon," the young daughter of a Pisan nobleman who has been heroically killed, comes to be solemnly invested as the figurehead virgin who will maintain a lantern to celebrate the men's victorious return. In charge of the home guard i...