1982 /美国 /50分钟
主演: 安·托克尔 LewisVanBergen KeeneCurtis 夏野萨博 Keene Curtis 卡罗琳·塞耶默 Lewis Van Bergen 理查马里恩 拉里·维格斯 珀尔·希尔 Sarah Rush 伦纳德·布雷门
导演: 雷扎·巴蒂伊
上映时间: 1982-01-01
剧情简介 : The plot, set in what appears to be Los Angeles, involves Modesty and Willie preventing the kidnap of a young girl who turns out to be a computer genius and has been working for Tarrant's agency. Although both Modesty and Willie's back stories are given as described by O'Donnell, no explanation is provided for their North American accents or presence in California. Tarrant, as ...